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Area Code 607 Prefixes

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Area Code 607 Information

The 607 Area Code (or Area Code 607) is located in the state of NY. Area Code 607 is one of the 269 3-digit telephone area codes in the USA. It covers roughly 900 thousand unique phone numbers and 3.28 million individuals near the city of Slaterville Springs

Area Code 607 History

Area code 607 was put into service. Area code 607 was created from a split of area codes 315 and 716.

There are other places with the same area code 607:

Elmira, NY>Ithaca, NY

Average property valuation
The average home value is $160K.
49 y/o
Average Age
The average resident's age is 49 y/o.
Residents' average wealth
Income average is $59.1K.        
New York - NY Population
Population in Area Code 607: 8,550,405.
New York - NY
Latitude: Unknown Longitude: Unknown
Eastern 08:15:39
Time zone
Time zone in Area Code 607: Eastern 08:15:39.